講座名稱:Critical exponent in a fully parabolic Keller-Segel system
講座人:王玉蘭 教授
地點:騰訊會議 505830362 密碼:123456
王玉蘭,西華大學(xué)教授,博士畢業(yè)于四川大學(xué);主要從事非線性偏微分方程的研究工作;2018年入選第十二批“四川省學(xué)術(shù)和技術(shù)帶頭人后備人選”,獲得四川省科技進(jìn)步獎(自然科學(xué)類) 二等獎;先后主持國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目和青年基金項目、中央引導(dǎo)地方科技發(fā)展專項項目、四川省應(yīng)用基礎(chǔ)研究計劃項目等;已在“Comm. Partial Differential Equations”、“Calc.Var. Partial Differential Equations”、“Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.”、“Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.”、“Math. Z.”、“J. Differential Equations”、“Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh -A”、 “Commun. Math. Sci. ” 等國際數(shù)學(xué)期刊上發(fā)表學(xué)術(shù)論文近30篇。
In this talk, we will discuss a fully parabolic Keller-Segel system in a bounded domain with smooth boundary. In contrast to most literature addressing the no-flux/no-flux boundary value problem for chemotaxis systems, we require inhomogeneous Dirichlet signal boundary condition here. A critical exponent distinguishing the global solvability and finite-time singularity is obtained.