講座名稱:Result-pattern-hiding Conjunctive Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Forward and Backward Privacy
講座人:左聰 副教授
Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption (DSSE) enables the data owner to outsource its database (document sets) to an untrusted server and make searches and updates securely and efficiently. Conjunctive DSSE can process conjunctive queries that return the documents containing multiple keywords. However, a conjunctive search could leak the keyword pair result pattern (KPRP), where attackers can learn which documents contain any two keywords involved in the query. File-injection attack shows that KPRP can be utilized to recover searched keywords. To protect data effectively, DSSE should also achieve forward privacy, i.e., hides the link between updates to previous searches, and backward privacy, i.e., prevents deleted entries being accessed by subsequent searches. Otherwise, the attacker could recover updated/searched keywords and records. However, no conjunctive DSSE scheme in the literature can hide KPRP in sub-linear search efficiency while guaranteeing forward and backward privacy.